Here we are half way through week 1 of the school holidays and the kids are all suffering from cabbin fever (stuck inside with crappy weather). One day its lovely, the next day its terrible.....and "ME" well I am over the holidays already hehehe!!!
I have however managed to scrap another couple of layouts (the joy of holidays, once the kids are asleep I can scrap away in the peace and quiet till all hours of the morning). The first layout of Ellie and Matilda came together really easily. Going back to my comfort zone of bright, some doodling and white CS I am happy with the end result. Poor Ellie has the worst fear of Dog's...but I managed to capture these precious pics of her with Matilda and Mum's gorgeous Whippet Jazz. Jazz is the most gentle natured dog, she loves nothing more than basking in the sun and having the kids poor all the affection they can into her. With some encouragement from Matilda, Ellie managed to sit for some time and offer her gentle hand to Jazz for a pat. I was soooo excited that she managed to do this without the usual ritual of screaming in absolute fear.
If you believe in yourself you will overcome the fear of DogsThis next layout of Kai was taken 2 days before he turned the BIG '5'.....he has the biggest attitude at the moment, and for some reason always offers the look of mischief when the camera is out!!
Mr Attitude...He's got the look of MischiefOnce again the yearly September Daffodil Festival was on in Kyneton. I love to take the kids each year to watch the Grand Parade that marks the end of the season. The parade consists of local schools, car clubs, social clubs, bands, music and lots more. Here is the girls watching the parade, poor Tilly obviously didn't like the smell of something hehehe!!
Caitlan, Matilda & EllieThis next photo is one of my favourites from the parade. Pa Jim with Matilda and Ellie, he loves the kids so much and taking the time to stand and watch the parade with both girls hanging on tightly, just shows how much they mean to him.
Matilda, Pa Jim and Ellie.The Chinese Dragons are always a hit at the parade. The Central Victorian Gold Lion team put on an amazing show. I was fearing the worst with Ellie thinking that the sound from the fire crackers and drums would be too much for her ears, but she was totally amazed at the performance that was going on. Here is the new Dragon that has never performed at the parade before. It has a team of about 15 people operating it from head to tip of the tail and OMG....they are amazing. I will definitely make the trip to Bendigo next Easter for the night show and watch this amazing team perform again.

The Lion team who also operated the large Dragon, did several other performances with the 3 Lions. These were just as amazing, the colors and effort that the teams put into the routines had me amazed.
The Red Lion
Lion Team Performance.
These last 2 pictures are my favourite at the moment. While sitting outside at the sister in laws place I noticed that the pot on the centre of the table was full of little pansy' was on hand and so I started snapping away (these are the best 2 of about 20). I changed the camera over to manual and played around with the settings to end up with this....

Anyhow its raining here and the kids are getting noisy and bored, so I must be off to see what I can find to entertain them for the rest of the day.
Until next time take care of you and happy scrapping.
Mwah Karen M